It was with great sadness that we received the news of the untimely death of Fr. Solomon Menger from acute malaria while home in Gboko, Nigeria for the Christmas break. Since January of 2022, Fr. Solomon was in residence at St. Paul’s Co-Cathedral while he pursued a doctorate in Education at the University of Saskatchewan. The diocese of Gboko, which has suffered the depredations of the Islamicist Fulani tribesman during the last years, had sent Fr. Solomon for studies with the aim of founding a Catholic University. Fr. Solomon suffered much with the difficult news coming from his homeland. During his time here, Fr. Solomon provided ministerial assistance in the parish and was loved and supported by parishioners. Requiscat in pace.
The Co-Cathedral Parish will be celebrating a Requiem Mass for Fr. Solomon on Saturday, January 21 at 12:10. We invite you to join us in this celebration of Holy Mass. A collection will be taken up for Fr. Solomon’s family in Nigeria. Tap option is available.

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Also, please keep in prayer Fr. Isaac Achi, classmate of Frs. Peter Ebidero and Joseph Salihu, who was burned to death in an attack by the Fulani on January 15. He is one more to add to the list of the martyred priests of Nigeria. May he intercede for us. May Fr. Peter and Fr. Ebidero be comforted.
Catholic priest burned to death in Nigeria | Catholic News Agency